Massage NerdLand
Donna B., LMT
Sea Moss

Benefits of Sea Moss

Thyroid Health

One of the most important and undervalued benefits of sea moss is its ability to help balance thyroid hormones. Irish Moss contains the vital thyroid hormone precursor DI-Iodothyronine (DIT), and the thyroid hormones Thyroxin (T4) and Tri-iodothyronine (T3). If the thyroid doesn’t produce these hormones as it should, this can have a detrimental effect on metabolism and many other bodily systems. Irish Moss is also extremely high in the trace element iodine – the thyroid gland contains the highest concentration of iodine than any other organ in the body. You cannot make thyroid hormones without sufficient levels of iodine.

Respiratory Health

Being a potent source of potassium chloride, sea moss soothes inflammation of the mucus membranes to prevent congestion, helping to clear out the lungs of any phlegm that builds up with a common cold. Because of these expectorant qualities, Irish moss may help to prevent a common cold from turning into pneumonia and can treat other respiratory problems such as bronchitis. Irish Moss also has powerful antiviral properties, helping to prevent or treat a myriad of disorders such as the flu, bronchitis, sore throats, chesty coughs, the common cold, and much more.

Nutrient Dense

The human body is made up of 102 minerals and Irish Moss contains 92 of them. It also provides a wealth of other important nutrients including; protein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, pectin, vitamin C and Sulphur. One of the most important of these nutrients is a sulphur-containing amino acid called taurine, which is more abundant in Irish moss than any other seaweed – a nutrient that is commonly lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets. It is an excellent immune boosting food that can be invaluable in the recovery from debilitating illness. Its high vitamin and mineral content make it the perfect food to replenish and revitalize the body after a long battle with disease.

Digestive Suplt

The high fiber content in Irish Moss exerts a mild laxative effect whilst soothing inflamed tissues within the intestinal tract, potentially providing relief from a host of intestinal disorders. Its demulcent properties promote healthy digestion – soothing the membranes of the digestive tract. The gelatin like content helps to ease gastritis, nausea, heartburn and indigestion. Ideally, it works by eliciting mild laxative effects while also managing inflammatory disorders of the gut.

Weight Loss

Irish Moss is thought to help reduce the appetite due to its ability to absorb moisture, increasing its volume and filling the intestinal tract with a bulking type material, thus increasing the feeling of fullness. Its gentle laxative effect can promote the elimination process of waste through the gastrointestinal tract. The aforementioned iodine content can boost metabolism which in turn will increase energy and can help to accelerate weight loss.










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